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Top nutritionists advocate lower carbohydrate consumption in our carbohydrate excess world

William Davis, M.D. Preventative Cardiologist:

Wheat Belly
Also Wheat Belly Cookbook

Robert Lustig, M.D.  Endocrinologist:

Sugar: The Bitter Truth – YouTube video

Gary Taubes, PhD:


Jimmy Moore:

The Livin’ LaVida Low Carb Show


Eric Westman, M.D.:

The Diet Doctor – Science of Low Carb

Mark Sisson:

Mark’s Daily Apple 

Loren Cordain PhD:

Paleo Diet authority  

T. Colin Campbell PhD:

  “The China Study” 

Denise Minger:

A brilliant critique of “The China Study” 

Rhonda Patrick, PhD:

Found My Fitness

Dom D’Agostino, PhD:
